Interactive Guides
- Interactive Guide for Families New to our District (Newcomers)
- Interactive Guide for Preparing for Kindergarten
- Interactive Guide for Preparing for Middle School
- Interactive Guide for Preparing for High School
Early Literacy Initiative – Raising Readers, Tips and Strategies for Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Math Month / Mes de Las Matemáticas
Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade / Prekínder, Kínder, Primer Grado
Weekly tips and videos to explore creative ways to encourage math outside the classroom. / Busque nuestros consejos y vídeos semanales para explorar formas creativas de fomentar las matemáticas fuera del salón de clase.
Math Tip #1 in English and Spanish / El consejo #1 de matemáticas en inglés y español
Math Tip #2 in English and Spanish / El consejo #2 de matemáticas en inglés y español
Math Tip #3 in English and Spanish / El consejo #3 de matemáticas en inglés y español
Math Tip #4 in English and Spanish / El consejo #4 de matemáticas en inglés y español
Math Tips in English and Spanish / El consejo de matemáticas en inglés y español
Preparing for Middle School – Transitions
Click here to access the Take Home Folder that includes handouts to support you in preparing to enter middle school.
Attendance Matters
Every student. Every day.
Title I: The Importance of Family Engagement
Parent programs serves as a link between the home and the school by helping parents understand what’s going on in the school, teaching parents how to be partners with the school and strengthening those relationships.
Other district services for parents and families.